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CCUSD Signs Agreement with West Los Angeles College

CCUSD Signs Agreement with West Los Angeles College

Image is a textbook on top of graph paper with a pencil next to it.Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor, was excited to learn that the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) Board of Education has signed an agreement with West Los Angeles College to provide college and career access pathways through dual credit courses in computer science, technical production for theater, and architecture. The agreement, known as the AB 288 Agreement, was reached on January 23.

AB 288 will allow students to take classes provided by West Los Angeles College at Culver City High School and Culver City Park High School, for college credit. The classes will fulfill both high school diploma requirements as well as college degree requirements and will be offered tuition-free.

According to LACCD Board President Sydney Kamlager-Dove, “Reaching them where they are is critical to helping our young people connect to college and succeed in higher education and the workplace. This partnership reduces barriers to entry by allowing high school students to become comfortable with college processes and rigor from the familiar place their of high schools and it’s tuition free – that’s a win, win for all.”

“We are very excited about this new AB288 partnership that allows our students to take dual enrollment classes and earn high school and college credit simultaneously,” said Superintendent Leslie Lockhart. “This is yet another way that we can offer students a chance to follow their career goals and get a head start right on our high school campuses.”

LACCD Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez added, “This demonstrates how both institutions working together can capitalize on their strengths to increase access to college and meet the needs of students in the communities we serve. I look forward to more of these signings across our nine colleges.”

West Los Angeles College Vice President of Academic Affairs Aracely Aguiar also stated, “West has offered concurrent enrollment courses at Culver City High for years. Working with Culver City Unified, we are creating pathways in computer science, technical production for theater, and architecture that lead to employment.”

The AB 288 Agreement stems from Law AB 288, which was passed in 2015 and allows community colleges to offer classes on high school campuses that are only open to high school students. Before that law was passed any college course offered had to be open to all college students, which was a problem for those high schools with closed campuses.

Dr. James M. Limbaugh, West Los Angeles College President acknowledged the connection between the college and the Culver City Real Estate area.

Limbaugh said, “In one year, West Los Angeles College will celebrate its 50th year. If you know anything about the College’s history, you know that Culver City’s residents and school board were instrumental in the establishment of this campus that serves Culver City, West Los Angeles and other surrounding communities. So we are particularly pleased and excited to be entering into this agreement that expands our partnership with the outstanding Culver City schools.”

Martin Feinberg, Realtor, noted that according to the Chancellor’s office, AB 288 (Dual Enrollment) College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) “shall be for the purpose of offering or expanding dual enrollment opportunities for students who may not already be college bound or who are underrepresented in higher education, with the goal of developing seamless pathways from high school to community college for career technical education or preparation for transfer, improving high school graduation rates, or helping high school pupils achieve college and career readiness.”

Image is of high school graduates throwing their hats in the air at an outside graduation ceremony.

Please email martin(at)martinfeinberg(dotted)com directly for immediate attention.