Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Mike Cohen, Mr. Culver City

What a pleasure it was to read the article in December’s Culver City Observer showering my friend Mike Cohen with praise and accolades.  Let me throw in a few of my own….  I first met Mike when he was a big shot for Culver City Parks and Rec.  He was the guy who signed us up for adult basketball leagues.  Always happy and always fun to be around.  When he decided to give real estate a try, Mike came by my office (then in Raintree Plaza) and asked me what it was like. After all, I have been a Culver City Realtor selling Culver City Culver City Condos and Culver City Homes  since 1988.

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I told him what I could, and I knew that he would be great as a real estate agent.  Naturally likeable…and he knew everyone in town.  Mike came to work at my office and hit the ground running.  Professional, ethical, fair and smart are just a few of the qualities I got to see first-hand.  After a long, successful career in real estate Mike recently hung up his license and “retired.” On one hand I was sorry to see him call it quits.  On the other I was relieved that he was giving the rest of us a chance to do some business!


At our age we’re still lucky and grateful to be able to participate in sports.  I get to push Mike around on the basketball court now and then, just like when we were younger.  Coach Wooden had a saying…”Basketball doesn’t develop character…it reveals it”  The toughest thing about playing basketball with Mike is getting him to shoot the ball (which he does well).  He would rather pick, assist and defend.  Never will you hear a teammate of Mike’s complain about lack of “team play”

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Yep…name that park, or put up that statue.  But wait for about another 20 years.  He’s not done yet.  Not by a long shot.

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