Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Giving away LED Light Bulbs

Image is a plain LED light bulb lying on a black table top.Local listing agent Martin Feinberg has learned that the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is planning to deliver millions of free LED light bulbs to homes across the county.  The public utility company is handing out the free bulbs in an effort to reduce the electricity usage of Los Angeles County over time.

This means that homes within the Culver City Real Estate area will be eligible to receive the energy efficient light bulbs.

According to DWP General Manager David H. Wright, “Not only will this simple change help save the environment, it will also put money back in our customers’ pocketbooks.  The LED household distribution program is a cost-effective way to deliver energy efficiency directly to all of LADWP’s residential customers, both in single-family as well as multi-family homes.”

According to the agency, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is planning to deliver 2.8 million free LED light bulbs to residential customers by the end of this month.  To accomplish this goal, several crews will be deployed to distribute reusable bags containing two 12-watt LED bulbs to nearly 125,000 homes every week.

The cost of getting the free light bulbs to the utility’s customers will not be cheap.  It is estimated that the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power will spend about $7.9 million to deliver the LED bulbs to its customers.  However, if all residential customers switch to the more energy efficient product, DWP estimates 4,410 gigawatt hours of energy might be saved.  That is the equivalent of taking 330,000 vehicles off the road in a year.

DWP contractor PowerDirect has been charged with delivering the bulbs to the public.  Martin Feinberg, Realtor reminds customers that PowerDirect employees will wear identification and yellow vests when dropping off light bulbs so that they can be easily identified.

“If LADWP customers replace two 75-watt incandescent bulbs with the two 12-watt LED bulbs, they can expect to save a combined 138 kilowatt-hours annually for the life of the bulbs, estimated to last nearly 23 years,” DWP stated.

The utility estimates the bulbs could potentially save its residential customers $666.4 million over the life of the LED bulbs.

Image is a group of LED light bulbs hanging from a string against a black background.

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