Martin Feinberg Real Estate

La Ballona Elementary Service Project First Stop for Local Clubs

Image is the La Ballona Elementary School sign.Martin Feinberg, Realtor was very pleased to learn that multiple service organizations gathered at La Ballona Elementary School in the Culver City Real Estate area last Saturday to work on the gardens and add a new wooden picnic table.  The event included local volunteers from many different clubs, including, the Exchange Club, the Lions Club, the Culver City Rotary, the Kiwanis Club, the Women’s Club, Friends of the Library, the Club Rotario de Latino Unidos, the Interact Club, and the La Ballona PTA.

Jim Clark, former Culver City Mayor, stated, “I’m glad to be a part of this. We are celebrating the upcoming Martin Luther King holiday with a day of community service. It was nice to see so many service club members here, as well as Boys and Girls Clubs coming together; something we should be doing, as a community, on a regular basis.”

John Cohn, Exchange Club volunteer and donator of the plants and stone pavers, said, “Our objective in putting this on was to change the DNA of the service in this community. We’re trying to encourage, not just the service clubs to come out, but the young people. To have them begin to think about their role growing up here; how they could provide greater service to make this a better place to live.”

Craig Ferre, who was responsible for coordinating the event as well as the snacks and refreshments at the event, was pleased with the turnout.  He said, “I hope the kids are surprised when they come back to school on Monday to see what we have done.”

Local listing agent Martin Feinberg notes that the idea for the group fundraiser was conceived in December at a holiday fundraiser. During the potluck mea portion of the event group leaders called on all their local clubs to come together and take on larger service projects, with the goal of enhancing local schools and the greater community.

The event at La Ballona Elementary is the first in a series of continuing work projects planned by the club organizers.

Image is a volunteer Group Clearing Litter In Park Wearing Voulnteer T Shirts and Smiling

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