Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Illegal Street Racing in Culver City

Not all news is good news and I certainly don’t like to hear when there is foul play going on within my community. As your trusted Culver City Realtor, selling Culver City Real Estate, such as Culver City Homes and Culver City Condos since 1988, I believe it is my duty to spread awareness on issues like illegal street racing, that has just recently taken place right in our own back yard.

It is my understanding that the Culver City police will be contacting the district attorney’s office to make Illegal Street racing charges in addition to driving while intoxicated charges against two males who were apart of a crash during the early morning hours of November 18th. I am glad to know something is being done.

Nightly City Traffic

The site of the accident was located on Washington Blvd. and shows clear signs of the crash wrecking a part of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

The two men, who are now identified as Francisco Solano (28 years old) and Angel Carasco (21 years old) were supposedly racing illegally while they were under the influence. As they were speeding down the streets of Culver City, they subsequently crashed into the church’s property, specifically where the restrooms and Pastor’s office was located. It is still unsure how much the damages will amount to.


Both Angel Carasco and Francisco Solano were arrested on the scene of the accident. They currently have been released on bail.

Illegal street racing is a severe issue that takes place not only in Culver City; its everywhere. This “hobby” to some is extremely dangerous and can jeopardize the lives of many. Just because you are not a driver, does not mean that you are safe. This sort of driving is reckless and I can only hope that more people will chose to sustain from involvement and stay out of harms way.


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