Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Culver City Mayor Small Gives “State of the City” Address

Image is Culver City Mayor Thomas Small.Martin Feinberg, Realtor, noted that Culver City Mayor Small delivered his “State of the City” address to more than 600 members of the community on April 9 in the newly remodeled Robert Frost Auditorium.

Mayor Small claimed, “Our city remains socially, culturally and economically diverse while our school district was recently named the fourth most diverse in the country.”

Small continued his address by speaking on his tenure on the City Council and the accomplishments and major projects Culver City handled during that time. He reminded listeners of the need for plans to deal with the developments in certain parts of the Culver City Real Estate area such as Washington and National Boulevard.  Mayor Small stated that mobility would be the core issue when the city started updating its general plan.

Small also focused on how the technological revolution has been helping the city to grow.  He asked the audience to consider how to incorporate that growth while holding on to the things that have always made Culver City great.

“Can we have this growth that’s fueled by this incredible technological economic engine and still have a community that respects its history?  Can we and how can we have growth that is inclusive?  The inclusion of all community members will ensure that Culver City remains a city for all generations to come.”

Mayor Small wasn’t the only speaker at the State of the City event.  Several other speakers spoke about the need for Culver City to “preserve its small town feel in the middle of a growing metropolitan area.”

Culver City Unified School District Superintendent Leslie Lockhart commented, “Culver City gets it, the connection between great schools and a great city.”

At the end of the program Joanna Brody presented the “Citizen of the Year Award,” which went to Diana and David Hauptman.  Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor, was happy to see the Hauptman’s honored in such a way as they have spent many hours serving Culver City and it’s residents.

Image is a picture of Culver City from the air.

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