Martin Feinberg Real Estate

Culver City Focuses on Traffic and Pedestrian Safety This Spring

This spring the Culver City Police Department will be reconfiguring photo enforcement cameras at 11 different intersections throughout the city in order to help deter red-light running and improve traffic flow and safety issues. Martin Feinberg, Realtor, agrees that keeping traffic running smoothly is a good goal for every city.

According to the Culver City Police Department, “Culver City streets have become major regional thoroughfares on the West side of Los Angeles and are being utilized by motorists attempting to avoid congested freeways in the area.” These areas have also grown in usage due to new business growth in the areas affected as well. Culver City, like Culver City Real Estate, is growing in popularity.

Changes in traffic camera placement are meant to help ease congested intersections at Overland Avenue and Washington Boulevard, Sepulveda Boulevard and Washington Boulevard, and along National and Washington Boulevards.  As these new areas gain photo enforcement cameras, other lesser-used intersections will lose them. This will keep the red-light camera program the same size rather than growing it, which the Police Department believes is important.

Cameras at intersections that have shown to have fewer red-light running incidents will lose those cameras to higher traffic areas. Those intersections that will soon be photo enforcement free are eastbound Washington Place at Centinela Avenue, eastbound Washington Boulevard at Sawtelle Boulevard, and east and westbound Washington Boulevard at Helms Avenue.

The Police Department has stated that the cameras will be transferred to their new locations and should be working by late spring of this year. Martin Feinberg, Culver City Realtor hopes these changes will help keep everyone on the roads safe and stress free.

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